Bug State Pest Control is Houston’s rodent pest control expert.
They are experts at exterminating rats and mice. They will solve your rat and mice problems! Bug State Pest Control are experts at exterminating all rodents.
When dealing with poisons or chemicals let the professionals at Bug State Pest Control handle it for best results. Rats are underestimated by most people; often they are diseased, and should be maintained and kept under control.
Rat Facts
The fact about rats: they are everywhere and not easy to control unless you are a professional. Specifications for rats can vary the length of an average rat is from 6-18 inches that’s including their tail. Roof rats tend to be charcoal grey in color as compare to your sewer rat which is a brownish tan. Their diet consists of eating almost everything. They consume ½ to 2oz of liquid a day. These are nocturnal creatures they eat and drink under the cover of darkness. They are loud and gnaw at anything they can, rats have been known to cause electrical fires in homes by exposing electrical wires in attics. Rats can cause damage to your home, and are known carriers of parasites and disease.
Rats Breeding
Your home can become a preferred breeding ground for rats. They breed throughout the year. Producing as many as 4 to 7 litters a year, each litter from 6 to 12 pups. Insulation in your attic makes perfect nesting quarters for rats. Urine and feces compiled in attics can pose serious health risks.